popScorn | Bringing up the rear
Welcome to popScorn, a maybe-semi-regular nook and/or cranny on reMedia! where I'll probably be bitching considerably about whatever bothersome pop topic du jour I can't figure out a not-awkward way to assign a letter grade to. And what grander way to kick off the debut column than with a bit of exciting-ish news? Drumroll, please: reMedia! is (somehow) currently no. 90 on Blogshares: The Fantasy Blog Stock Market's ranking of the top 100 blogs in entertainment news. They have it listed at:
100 / 5,000 shares available @ B$13.06 ea. — 25.35 p/e
This means ... um, I'm actually clueless as to what this means. I honestly never paid much attention during senior-year economics — sorry, Mr. Norris! — and a decade later, it looks like it's finally caught up with me. Oh well. Let's just pretend it's a good thing, and it might actually be, too, as it's alongside such fun folks from the fluff-blogosphere as Gawker, Egotastic!, Defamer and I Don't Like You in That Way.
Then again, a Harry Potter fansite sits in the top slot, and no. 18 is Hilary Duff News, so, you know, grain of salt.
i feel like i deserve some kind of weird credit for it, since i click on your site at least once, and usually twice or more, a day. congrats!
love, m
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